January 5, 2025

How Did Prescott's Plaza Become Yavapai County Property? UPDATED

How is it that the very heart of Prescott—its downtown Plaza—happen to become property of Yavapai County? 

When queried, even local historians were unable to explain why. One former county supervisor suggested that the beautifully-shaded, rectangle-shaped parcel always belonged to Yavapai County. However, research shows that nothing could be further from the truth…

December 22, 2024

Christmas 1915: Santa Brings Mountain Bell

Prior to 1914, December Prescott newspapers would be heavily sprinkled with short blurbs describing various Christmas activities around town. But with the start of World War 1 on July 28, 1914, the paper's attention turned to the Great War in Europe, even though America would not enter it until sixteen months later. Despite the lack of coverage surrounding Christmas, Prescott still celebrated.

December 15, 2024

Was Coronado’s Gun Found in the United Verde Mine?


It was late autumn 1900 when a minor cave-in occurred in the giant United Verde mine in Jerome. On December 3, as workers cleared the mess, they were astonished to find a newly exposed cave that contained a mysterious gravesite falloff artifacts. “It was with wonder and awe that the workmen first entered the cave and handled the relics that must have been laid away centuries [ago],” the Jerome News described; adding that it created quite an excitement in the copper town.

November 17, 2024

1868: Four Daring and Successful Indigenous Raids in Four Days

The Weekly Arizona Miner was shocked. “The Indians…commenced the most daring, vigorous, persistent and may we add, successful raids against the whites of this section that we have ever known or heard of them to make.” The newspaper was referring to a series of four raids in as many days. “And in ever instance,” the paper continued, “ [they] have come out winners in the game of life and death.” 

It started in late October, 1868. “Our people have been in a high state of excitement ever since our wily foes started upon this, their most brilliant campaign,” the paper declared.

November 10, 2024

The Terribly Scandalous Pioneers Home Superintendent

A Journal-Miner editorial described the second Pioneers Home supervisor, Percy V Coldwell, as “a malodorous individual, infecting this city, [whose] loyalty long ago ceased to be a virtue and degenerated into a vice, the stench of which has caused people here to hold their hands on their noses.” 

September 29, 2024

The Mystery of Prescott’s Mineral Fountain

Before the Plaza fountain we know today was constructed in 1910, the Plaza had a “Mineral Fountain,” (pictured above.)  Along its outside boundary were a number of what the Weekly Arizona Journal-Miner described as “peculiar red rock[s]…about which there has been much speculation as to what [they are].”

“The rock is peculiar in that it is susceptible of a good polish and it contains practically no grit," the paper continued, and is very soft, as it can be whittled with a knife like a piece of chalk. When the fountain was being built this rock attracted general attention from all who saw it, but no one seemed able to classify it.”

Then in April, 1903, two investigators identified the source of these peculiar rocks, not too far from Prescott. They gathered samples to take to several different assayers and what they found was a great surprise to everyone.